Talk from our series "Sustainability is better business" by David Grosspietsch from Technology Fund about how the fund supports innovative startups and SMEs in scaling their products.
Rooted in the Swiss CO2 Act, the Technology Fund – founded in 2014 – is a financial instrument (i.e. loan guarantees) to support innovative startups and SMEs in scaling their products that contribute to the mitigation of climate change. In this session, the Technology Fund will be introduced in brief by shedding light on its organization and processes (e.g. eligibility criteria) but also on the current portfolio and exemplary portfolio companies.
David Grosspietsch is an Associate Director for Clean Technology Investment at South Pole and member of the Management Agency of the Swiss Technology Fund. The Technology Fund provides loan guarantees (up to CHF 3 million) to Swiss startups and SMEs whose innovative products contribute to the mitigation of climate change. David is an industrial engineer by training and holds a PhD from ETH Zurich in the domain of sustainable technologies (decentralized energy systems) and innovation management. He gained practical experience during two years in a strategy consulting company, as a Senior Researcher on sustainability topics at ETH Zurich, and during his university studies at Fraunhofer Institute, Bosch, and Porsche.