Our hackathons are innovative cross-functional events. It allows organizations to source innovation internally and capture value in the form of inbound open innovation supported by external experts and participants. At the same time, it helps you to build a community of different business verticals around your innovation challenge and it promotes intrapreneurship by motivating employees to contribute, brainstorm and create. The fast-paced, highly structured, and fun event bonds to from that is not otherwise developed. The outcomes are usually new product and services prototypes or case studies.
Our offer
We build custom-made hackathons to companies as full-service projects in German, English and French. Depending on your goals, the one-to-three-day event is designed to be private or public and it will be delivered either hybrid, physical or fully online. You can expect tangible ideas that passed first validation steps, personal development of the participant, and what we call ‘learn to learn’, as well as a boost of motivation with some great stories to tell.

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Let's connect
With Kickstart you’ll get access to our network of outstanding experts and advisor, insights to the tools that helped us facilitate 250+ innovation projects and cross-industry and cross-sector learning togehter with 300 alumni startups.